Shared Lives South West says hello to new Community Engagement Officer Gemma January

Gemma January the new community engagement officer at Shared Lives South West

A warm welcome to Gemma January, who has joined the People Team as a Community Engagement Officer,  with the aim promoting Shared Lives South West across Devon at events and supporting with marketing.

Here we catch up with Gemma to find out how she is finding it at the charity…


What have your first few days been like?

It’s been lovely to meet everyone. I’m really impressed by the induction and what I’m learning about the organisation, particularly its values, openness and transparency.

Everyone has been super kind and patient.

It will take a while to learn about the organisation. I’ll ask questions, become a sponge and absorb.


Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

I was born in Staffordshire and lived in London for donkey’s years. I had an interim move to Geneva working for Procter and Gamble, marketing Pringles globally. It was great fun with lots of travel. I was the agency lead for four years and it was a career move.

There was lots of intel about personas and campaigns. It was fascinating working with fast moving consumer goods.  I loved the experience in Switzerland, but I was always going to come home.

I got engaged then married to the most gorgeous person from the Westcountry. I moved to Brixham a year ago.


What made you decide to go for the job at Shared Lives South West as a Community Engagement Officer?

It was heart decision for sure.   I wanted to make a difference and put something back in and use my marketing skills to enable that.


What do you enjoy out of work?

I love simple things. I have three pets who I worship. I love gardening and see the difference you can make in nature. I love walking with my husband and want to join a walking group.

I enjoy socialising, going to music concerts and you can’t beat a good pub and restaurant.

When the weather turns bad, I love genealogy research and finding out in-depth details about our family. I love connecting with distant relatives.


What are you looking forward to the most at Shared Lives?

Making a difference and connecting with carers and engaging with prospective carers. That’s the higher purpose. Marketing does make a difference.


What three things would you take to a desert island?

Marmite, I couldn’t go without it. I think I ought to say my husband and the third thing would be a photo album as I’d want to remember family and friends.


Read more Shared Lives South West news here.




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