Mollie becomes a Shared Lives Plus ambassador

Mollie and Shared Lives Carer Mae who feature in the white paper.

Mollie, who uses SLSW services, has become an ambassador for Shared Lives Plus. She is helping to promote the schemes nationally and give people using the services ‘a voice’.

Last year Mollie moved in with her SLSW Carer Mae Pleydell-Pearce and has turned her life around. She lives in an annex to the main house, which has helped promote her independence, all with Mae’s support.

Mollie has passed her driving test, got a job and has been abroad in the time she has lived with Mae.


She has already taken part in her first role as ambassador at the Westminster Forum Autism Conference. Here she detailed her story and she is enjoying talking to people about her experience.

“Thank you so much this has really raised my self-esteem, it’s great to have a voice,” said Mollie after being given the role.

“It is because I am in a Shared Lives placement that I have been able to help find a more positive frame of mind. I came from a place that was very negative and with emotional support I’ve had here from Mae I’ve  truly become a different person.

“It has led me to believe in myself, and now have the confidence to have a voice to make positive change.”


Watch a video about Mollie talk about living Mae here.

You can also read more SLSW news here.

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