
Featuring the achievements of people using our services, great work by our carers & staff news.


We feature Shared Lives households, staff and the wider Shared Lives community in our bi-monthly newsletter.

A big thank you to the households who regularly send in their news.

September Newsletter

There is awards news galore with Christan winning Student of the year and Shared Lives Carer being a finalist in the BBC Make a Difference Awards.

June Newsletter

We hear from Em who is chuffed to have passed her driving test! There is also pictures from Shared Lives Week and so much more!



Front cover of Shared Lives South West newsletter April Newsletter

In this edition we hear from  a trio of long- term carers retire after many years. We wish them well.

There are also photos from our 20th anniversary office celebrations.


February Newsletter

Leaf through the pages and read how Luke is thriving living with his Shared Lives Carer Julie Hughes.
Plus there is a feature with three original Shared Lives staff to mark our 20th anniversary year.