Our SLSW Devon Admin team welcome Nick Jessup

Nick Jessup, new admin team member at SLSW

We catch up with new admin team member Nick Jessup to find out how he’s finding his role at SLSW in the Devon office…

How are you finding working in admin at SLSW?
I am finding the atmosphere to be very positive and everyone is really welcoming.

What made you think about applying to work at SLSW?
I wasn’t actively searching for a new role however this particular role appealed to me and thought it would be a good fit.

Had you heard of SLSW before?
My mother and father-in-law have been carers for Shared Lives since 2020, which has given me an insight into the way in which Shared Lives helps provide support for people.

What roles were you doing before SLSW?
Prior to joining SLSW I have been working from home for Waitrose Customer Care and during the pandemic I was part of a team providing guidance for people who either tested positive or were listed as a contact.

What will you bring to the admin team?
I hope to add value in as many ways as I can. I have patience and want to be an effective team member and have a laugh along the way.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I live locally and can often be found with my Westie Ted down at Teignmouth.
I like city breaks, basic astronomy, gaming and I follow West Ham and England football team.

If you could take three things to a desert island what would they be and why?
An endless supply of factor 50 sun cream because I wouldn’t last long without it!
A powerful telescope as the light pollution would be minimal and access to my Steam gaming library to pass the time.


You can find more Shared Lives South West news here.

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