Lesley Saunders has retired after more than 15 years at SLSW

Lesley Saunders retiring from Shared Lives South West

SLC Lesley Saunders has retired from SLSW after more than 15 years service.

Based in the Cornwall office, she has seen the charity grow and evolve in that time. Along the way, Lesley’s main focus has been supporting and monitoring SLSW placements.

“I’ve enjoyed finding out about a person who wants to live with a carer/family and then being able to match with the carer they choose,” said Lesley.

“I’ve loved wlesley awards edit 225x300 - Lesley Saunders has retired after more than 15 years at SLSWorking with amazing carers and the people who live or stay with them. It’s wonderful to see how people flourish with the support they receive.”

Over the years Lesley has nominated the carers on her caseload for numerous awards and has enjoyed seeing them receive recognition and win the awards.

“It’s been wonderful being there on the awards night with them,” she said,Lesley retiring2 225x300 - Lesley Saunders has retired after more than 15 years at SLSW

Talking before she retired, she said she will missing working with an ‘incredible team’.

“I have been so lucky. The support from our team is invaluable. There has been laughter and tears, there has been a lot of both,” said Lesley.

Now with more time on her hands she said she is going to sit back and take stock before making any major plans.

“Time will probably involve more dog walking and training, coffee with friends and gardening,” she said.

“I’ve also been a marshall at the local vaccination centre recently, so expect i’ll be doing more with Cornwall Volunteering too.”

“I have also boLesleys last meeting 2 225x300 - Lesley Saunders has retired after more than 15 years at SLSWoked a lot of theatre tickets for next year.”

SLSW won’t be saying goodbye to Lesley for good though, as she is becoming an Approval Panel member in the near future as her skills and experience will be priceless.

To mark her retirement CEO Dominic Spayne presented her with parting gifts at her last SLC team meeting recently.

She also received gifts and cards on her last day.lesley retiring1 e1636563048294 214x300 - Lesley Saunders has retired after more than 15 years at SLSW

Lesley we truly wish you all the very best in your retirement- from all of us at SLSW.


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