Shared Lives South West Carer Nikki is a finalist in BBC Radio Cornwall Make a Difference Awards

Nicola Drewett carer at Shared Lives South West

Shared Lives Carer Nikki Drewett has made it through to the final of the BBC Radio Cornwall Make a Difference Awards.

Nikki is down to the final four in the Carer category, where she is being recognised for her role in supporting Jen.

Make a difference

The award will be given to someone who improves the life of an individual or group of people through their helpfulness, compassion and support.

She supported her for five years and helped her to live the life she wanted to, before she sadly died aged 29.

When Jen was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and needed several major operations, Nikki provided unwavering support, going as far as to continue her daily care when Jen sadly had a terminal diagnosis and was being cared for in a local hospice until she passed away a year ago.

Jen and Nicola Drewett cider farm 2 300x300 - Shared Lives South West Carer Nikki is a finalist in BBC Radio Cornwall Make a Difference Awards


While living with Nikki, she worked hard with Jen to develop her confidence and in doing so she excelled.

“I became a Shared Lives Carer in November 2018 and Jen moved in as an emergency placement shortly after and stayed,” said Nikki.

“At the time she had low self-esteem and we built that up. During covid and lockdowns we really bonded as a household and to us she was part of our family.

“She had jumped through so many hurdles in her life and while living with us she really grew and was living the life she had always wanted.

“Jen was volunteering at Mariner’s Court Extra Care and as part of their befriending service would go in and make cups of tea with people there.

“She loved animals and had had riding lessons. Jen also used to volunteer at Flicka Foundation Donkey Sanctuary and she had a donkey visit her at the hospice and the same one was brought to her funeral. Jen was well loved and had an infectious personality.

“We also supported Jen to go to college and volunteer for the RNLI and at Helston Railway buffet car.”


When Jen became ill Nikki spent eight to nine hours a day with Jen at her bedside in the hospice and was with her when she took her last breath.

“It is bittersweet being nominated for the Make a Difference awards. Jen would be proud of me being shortlisted for this award,” said Nikki.

“She’d also laugh as she knows I don’t like attention.

“To me I feel caring for Jen is what any kind person would have done. I wanted to go the extra mile for her and was there for her night and day as she was so distressed and anxious. The hospice staff did say that Jen wanted me to be there for her and I was.

“While in the hospice Jen told me she loved me and that was special and will stay with me.”

Nikki will go to the Make a Difference Awards at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall, Falmouth, on September 12.

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